Online Bulk Compress PDF to 100KB for Free

Upload your PDF to our free compression tool to compress PDF to 100KB for optimal print quality and size in 2024. Just upload up to 5 PDF files at a time, our web tool will handle the rest.

0 being the lowest size as well as quality, and 10 being the highest compressed size and quality.


Target size does NOT guarantee that the resulting PDF will be of that size.


Streamline your PDFs with our Compress PDF to 100 KB web tool. Designed for faster uploads, efficient storage, and seamless sharing, our advanced compression algorithm balances file size reduction with clarity. You'll be able to reduce PDF file size to 100 KB without a huge loss in quality, and you can choose to download your optimized PDF file or view it online. Plus, our PDF compressor is completely free to use, and it can compress up to 5 PDF files larger than 100KB at once. Give it a try now and see the difference it can make for your PDF files!

How to use

  1. Click on "Choose File", and upload 1 to 5 PDF files.
  2. Click on "Compress PDF".
  3. If the compressed PDF is not around 100 KB, try again after reducing the Quality value. However, it's not always possible to reduce PDF to the desired size, unfortunately.